A craftsman and a painter

At The Ode To we are always curious to learn more about creativity and artistry, so we asked Matthew Knight, the creator behind NOTPOP to tell us a little bit about his life, his art and his sources of inspiration.


Matthew Knight Artist Portrait Painter Artworks Wall Art Contemporary Modern Colourful

What do you call your series of artwork?

– It’s called ‘The Journey’.

What technique have you used?

– My artworks are made using acrylic and spray paint on hand cut boards. I’ve also built custom frames, with traditional framing techniques.

Matthew Knight Artist Portrait Painter Artworks Wall Art Contemporary Modern Colourful Atelier
Matthew Knight Artist Portrait Painter Artworks Wall Art Contemporary Modern Colourful Atelier Studio Process

What inspired you to create the artworks you have made for The Ode To?

– Recently I have spent time travelling, and while visiting family I felt inspired to create artworks that resembled a journey. Work that takes the viewer’s gaze on a trip around the shaped work.

What other artists do you admire?

– My grandmother was a talented landscape and figurative artist, my grandfather a keen gardener and handyman, my father a master at modelling aircrafts, and my mother an enthusiastic crafter. All four of them have influenced my style and my strong will. To see them achieve happiness through their own craft has made me determined to get to the result, even though there are lots of difficulties along the way.

Matthew Knight Artist Portrait Modern Artworks Painter Paintings Handmade Original Colourful

Can you tell us about your background and how you came to be an artist?

– I was born in England, but I spent much of my childhood in Pakistan and Northern Ireland. In the busy streets of Pakistan, I developed a great appreciation for patterns and intricate design. As a teenager and young adult in Northern Ireland, I became engrossed in the characters and landscapes around me. I was fortunate to exhibit the resulting artworks in galleries worldwide, but I still had a passion for making which wasn't being fulfilled. In 2021, I started NOTPOP, which gave me a voice as both a craftsman and an abstract painter.

How would you describe your art and aesthetics in three words?

– Technically challenging shapes.


What we love about Matthew Knight:

There’s a certain energy – optimistic, vibrant and humorous – that we love, and it’s characteristic for the art of Matthew Knight.